Monday, May 6, 2013

Jita Burns

Well I apparently arrived back in game to find out that this isn't a great time to be using a freighter......

I guess 1000s of people are in Jita burning freighters out of the sky. I, thankfully, was not one of their victims. I did get reboxxed a couple times, which at the time I thought was odd that half the ships at a gate suddenly turned red. I thought it was some sort of fluke, but I guess they had started shooting. I never got scratched seeing as how I wasn't afk and jumped away easily. \

Not sure what this is about, but the freighter is staying docked.

On to other news. Not much else has been going on other than some mining. Certainly not going to be updates like when I was back in the hole.

So far I've had two great disappointments. First, DUST 514 gear is not available for us to produce yet. And secondly, I cannot find the corp blueprints anywhere. I know they were in a small audit container with a strange password set by my corpmate, Gnicklas. I moved them into the wormhole once to sort out if I needed any in there to research or produce, but we never got moving on that, so they came right back out. The problem is, did they come out with one of my three main accounts, or with one of the other alternates? As of now the container and all the researched BPOs can't be found. None of the accounts I've activated had them or the container, and neither does the corp.

So I'm left wondering if I moved them using a hauler character I don't have access to. And atm, producing things using those BPOs is really one of the only things I'm looking forward to. So do I or don't I activate the remaining accounts, just to find they aren't on them and perhaps are on Nick's accounts. Argh.

I wish there was some sort of item search for offline accounts.

EDIT: I broke down an reactivated my fourth account, and there they were! All the corps researched BPOs, totally roughly 1.5 bil in worth. Did some mining, pulled in 70 mil worth of omber and plagio. Will be looking at manufacturing soon!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

First Second Impressions

Well I've been back a day now, and I must say, a number of things have certainly improved! I haven't played Eve since 2011, and I started back in 2007, and things have come a long way! I'm impressed with how more stable and quick the game engine now is. I espicially love the new accurate space backgrounds, along with the ability to actually see your path laid out on the actual stars themselves!

My first day consisted mostly of looking around at my assets and where they were located, and wether I wanted to take the time to have them couriered to my home system in Yuzier. I managed to get every single ship and item out of the hole, and some of it just got dumped where-ever the hole exited at the time. I did use Red Frog Freight, which I can't say enough good about it, and had most of it moved to Jita.

So I'm spending some time with the corp freighter I built way back when and moving it around. I also moved the aforementioned Paladin to a level 4 agent and tore into some rats. And forgot to move a Noctis nearby, so that's what I'm doing right now. 28 jumps to go.

Forgotten Heathen out.

Hesitant Return

Hello fellow travelers! I have indeed reopened a couple of my accounts. To what end, I'm not really sure. My plan as of right now involves scanning down some grav sites and hauling in some ore. I want to check out the new DUST equipment system and see how that is working out.

So I'll continue in my normal writing style with brief  synopsis of my play times.

I do not forsee myself returning to wormholes anytime soon. I logged back into the game to find that someone took the time to terminate my residence, although quite a few guns remain. I also found quite a large load of isk and ships in our corp hangars, scattered about the galaxy, so one of the first things I need to do is collect and organize.

But before all that I hauled a Hulk out of storage and got to work filling my Orca. It's good to feel the hum of the mining lasers beneath the deck again!

Oh, and I also bought a Paladin and decked it out. Always wanted one!

Forgotten Heathen out.